Week 7

This week we were asked to plan out the next months worth of work on our major projects.

Retail Despair:

I have been tasked with the design and creation of content for the board game. This entails designing the board and creating cards. The cards are humourous and written similarly to the card game “Cards Against Humanities”. It has been planned that the game will be play tested in class in week 10 where bugs and issues with play can be solved.

The dossier will be cleaned up and organised for the due date.

Cyper Punk Pokemon:

The first big change in development will be the implementation of a new name for the game, one that reflects the digital elements and the role playing assets. One name being considered is “Another Evolution”, which when written together closely can be read as “Revolution”. The main plot point is then hidden in the title.   We have found a program to use as a base for a beta level, RPG Maker VX Ace. As a team we will become familiar with the program and learn to create a suitable level to be played on the due date.

The dossier will be cleaned up and organised for the due date.

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